Zientzia eta Teknologia
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Navigating the scientific journey: career and societal impact

Navigating the scientific journey: career and societal impact

Urr. 05 - 05. Urr, 2023 Kod. Z29-23


“Navigating the scientific journey: career and societal impact” is a PhD Training session organised by Euskampus Fundazioa in the framework of the University of the Basque Country Summer Courses, and it is part of the Program of Passion for Knowledge, a science festival organized by the Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC) every 3 years in Donostia. In this edition, PhD students will share and discuss different opportunities, motivations and difficulties of the scientific career in which they are embarked. Besides they will also collectively reflect on the role of science in society and how this interaction can give rise to a diversity of career paths and different ways of conducting research. PhD students will have the opportunity to meet two of the invited plenary speakers of Passion for Knowledge and share with them questions and conclusions of their discussion. At the same time, the invited speakers will share their insights and experience on those topics and questions in an open conversation format.

The course is open to PhD students of Basque universities and also to PhD students from the University of Bordeaux. The Passion for Knowledge plenary speakers taken part in this activity are Nobel Prize in Chemistry Jean Marie Lehn, and Dame Jocelyn Bell. This activity will be conducted and facilitated by Silvia Bonoli, Ikerbasque Research Associate at DIPC.

Irakurri gehiago


Share and discuss opportunities, challenges, and difficulties in pursuing a scientific career

Reflect and discuss the role of science in today’s society

Jarduera nori zuzenduta

  • Publiko orokorra
  • Unibertsitateko ikaslea
  • Unibertsitarioak ez diren ikasleak
  • Irakasleak
  • Profesionalak




09:45 - 10:00


10:00 - 10:05

Jardueraren zuzendaritzaren aurkezpena

  • Igor Campillo --- | Euskampus - Director
  • Itziar Alkorta Idiakez | Summer Courses of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) - Academic Director
10:05 - 10:15

“Introduction to the dynamics (Facilitator(s) explains how the Encounter will unfold and introduces the themes for Session 1)“

  • Silvia Bonoli | DIPC - Ikerbasque Research Associate
  • Julieta Barrenechea | Euskampus
10:15 - 11:45

“Session 1: Discussion and reflection“

    PhD students, guided by facilitator(s), will reflect and discuss about the i) scientific career (motivations, challenges and opportunities, difficulties and barriers, career pathways both inside and outside academia, etc.) and the science mission and endeavour in today’s society (curiosity driven approach versus a more-challenge-driven approach, responsibility of science (and scientists), impact of science, role science plays in society, etc.) and they will prepare questions for the P4K speakers that will

    • Silvia Bonoli | DIPC - Ikerbasque Research Associate
    11:45 - 12:15

    Coffee break

    12:15 - 13:15

    “Session 2: Conversation with Jean-Marie Lehn and Jocelyn Bell“

      In this session a dialogue with the P4K speakers will be established. To start up, a restitution of the main ideas, insights and conclusions of Session 1 will be presented to the speakers. Then, the questions selected in the previous Session will be asked as a trigger for an open discussion between the PhD attendees and the P4K speakers.

      • Silvia Bonoli | DIPC - Ikerbasque Research Associate
      • Jean-Marie Lehn | University of Strasbourg
      • Jocelyn Bell | Oxford University
      13:15 - 13:30

      “Wrap-up and closing remarks“Itxiera

        Wrap-up and closing remarks

        • Ricardo Díez Muiño | DIPC - Director
        13:30 - 14:30

        Lunch to participants


        Igor Campillo ---

        Euskampus Fundazioa, Director

        Euskampus Fundazioko zuzendaria da. Euskampus 2011n sortu zuten Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateak (EHU), Tecnalia Korporazioak eta Donostiako Fisikako Nazioarteko Zentroak (DIPC). EHUko Zientzia Fakultateko irakasle laguntzaile, Gamesa Energyko nazioarteko proiektuen zuzendari, LABEIN-Tecnaliako ikertzaile eta proiektu zuzendari, Nanozientziako Ikerketa Kooperatiboko Zentroko proiektu eta hedapen zuzendari, SPRI Enpresa Garapenerako Euskal Agentziako nanoBasque estrategiaren zuzendari eta DeustoTecheko zuzendari izan da. Fisikan doktorea da UPV/EHUn, eta Kazetaritzan eta Zientziaren Komunikazioan masterra egin du Espainiako Unibertsitate Irekian. Ezagutzaren webean indexatutako nazioarteko 70 argitalpen zientifiko baino gehiagoren egilea da, eta nazioarteko 3 patenteren egilea. Unibertsitateko Enpresa Lankidetzarako "Boundary Spanners" -eko munduko liderretako bat bezala saritua izan da Unibertsitate Industriaren Berrikuntza Sareagatik.


        Itziar Alkorta Idiakez

        Uda Ikastaroak / Cursos de Verano, Zuzendari akademikoa / Directora académica

        Zuzenbidean doktorea eta EHUko Zuzenbide Zibileko irakasle titularra. Bere ikerketaren ildo nagusia bioetika da eta gai horren inguruan hainbat monografia, artikulu zientifiko eta dibulgaziokoak argitaratu ditu. VI eta VII Europako Programa Marko-ko 4 ikerketa-proiektutan parte hartu du, baita Programa Nazionaleko hainbat ikerketa-proiektutan ere. New Yorkeko Hastings Center for Bioethics, Filadelfiako Unibertsitateko Center for Bioethics eta Bordeleko Unibertsitateko irakasle bisitaria izan da. Eusko Ikaskuntzako idazkari nagusia izan zen, eta ondoren Jakiundekoa, Zientzia, Arte eta Letren Akademiakoa. UPV/EHUko irakaskuntzako kalitate eta berrikuntzako errektoreordea 2008 eta 2012 urteen artean, eta hezkuntza-ereduaren garapenaz, kalitate-programez eta unibertsitateko irakasleen prestakuntza eta ebaluazioaz arduratzen da. 2013 eta 2015 urteen artean, Eusko Jaurlaritzako Unibertsitate eta Ikerketa sailburuordea izan zen.

        Julieta Barrenechea

        Euskampus Fundazioa

        Teaching, Learning and Training Innovation Manager Euskampus Fundazioa. PHD en Filosofía de la Ciencia UPV/EHU. Principales líneas de investigación y de experiencia laboral: Evaluación, gestión y acompañamiento técnico de redes de colaboración científica interdisciplinar e interinstitucional desde un enfoque de “ciencia para y con la sociedad” y “gobernanza en la ciencia”. Diseño de indicadores e índices para la evaluación y gestión de redes de conocimiento en colaboración. Políticas públicas y proyectos de intervención en los ámbitos de innovación social y cultura emprendedora con énfasis en redes de conocimiento universidad-sociedad.

        Jocelyn Bell

        After earning a Bachelor's degree in Natural Philosophy (Physics) from the University of Glasgow in 1965, Jocelyn Bell did her postgraduate studies at the University of Cambridge, earning a PhD in 1969. She was a visiting professor at the University of Princeton, in the US, and is currently a guest lecturer in astrophysics at the University of Oxford and a fellow of Mansfield College. She served as President of the British Royal Astronomical Society from 2002 to 2004, as President of the Institute of Physics from 2008 to 2011 and as pro-Chancellor at Trinity College Dublin. She was also President of the Royal Society of Edinburgh from 2015 to 2017. Her many accolades include the Albert A. Michelson Medal of the Franklin Institute of Philadelphia in 1973, the Magellanic Premium of the American Philosophical Society in 2000 and the Royal Medal of the Royal Society in 2015. She has also received many honorary titles and is a Fellow of the Royal Society, as well as another five academic institutions. In 2007, she was made a Dame Commander of the British Empire by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. In 2010, Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell was awarded the Royal Society Michael Faraday prize for excellence in communicating science.

        Silvia Bonoli


        After studying at the University of Bologna and a master's degree in astrophysics at the University of Toronto, she obtained her doctorate at the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics in Munich. She then went on postdoctoral stays at the University of Zurich and Stanford University. Silvia arrived in Spain in 2013, first at the Cosmo Physics Study Center in Aragón, and, since 2018, at the DIPC. Her research focuses primarily on the study of supermassive black holes, from their formation to their impact on the galaxies where they live.

        Ricardo Díez Muiño

        DIPC / Centro Física Materiales

        Ricardo Díez Muiño fisikako doktoradutza burutu zuen UPV/EHUn. Ondoren, bere ibilbide zientifikoa Bordeleko Unibertsitatean (Frantzia) eta LBNLn (Berkeley, USA) garatu zuen. Gaur egun Ikerketa Zientzialaria da CFM Materialen Fisika Zentroan (CSIC-UPV/EHU) eta Donostia International Physics Centerreko (DIPC) Zuzendaria. CFMko Zuzendariorde gisa aritu zen 2005 eta 2011 bitartean eta CFMko Zuzendari 2011tik 2015era. Bere ikerketa arlo nagusiak fisikokimika eta materia kondentsatuaren teoria dira, bereziki gainazaletako dinamika molekularra, kitzikapen elektronikoen teoria eta fotoemisio eta fotoelektroien difrakzioaren teorian aritzen da. 100 artikulu zientifiko baino gehiago argitaratu ditu, baita bi liburu ere. Ricardo Díez Muiño nazioarteko 4 kongresuren antolatzaile izan da eta antolakuntza batzordeko beste 4 kongresutan ere parte hartu du. Halaber, Euskampus Bikaintasun Campuseko lehendakariordea eta CIC nanoGUNEko zuzendaritzako kidea da.

        Jean-Marie Lehn

        Jean-Marie Lehn studied chemistry at the University of Strasbourg, earning his PhD in 1963. He then spent a year in Robert Burns Woodward's laboratory at Harvard University, where he was part of the team working on the total synthesis of vitamin B12. In 1966 he became a lecturer at the University of Strasbourg and set up his own laboratory, where he focused his work on the physical chemistry of organic compounds, putting the experience gained in organic chemistry, quantum theory and physical methods into practice. In 1970 he was appointed Professor of Organic Chemistry at the Louis Pasteur University of Strasbourg and from 1979 to 2010 he was Professor at the Collège de France in Paris. He is presently Professor at the University of Strasbourg Institute for Advanced Study (USIAS). Author of over 1000 scientific publications, Lehn is a member of many academies and scientific institutions and has won many international awards and prizes, including the Humboldt Prize (1983), the Royal Society's Davy Medal (1997) and the ISA Medal for Science (2006). He received the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany in 2009 and was named Grand Officer of the French Legion of Honour in 2014, among other accolades.

        Matrikula prezioak

        Aurrez aurre2023-10-05 arte
        0 EUR


        Miramar Jauregia

        Mirakontxa pasealekua 48, 20007 Donostia



        Miramar Jauregia

        Mirakontxa pasealekua 48, 20007 Donostia
