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Sustainable education

<p> A system needs to be created in which each and every one of us can have access to education, a participative, collaborative and cooperative, non-competitive system with room for both classroom and on-line education.</p>

The way we learn, the standpoint from which we approach study is essential. Memorising does not allow understanding, does not allow anyone to get excited about what they are learning, "does not allow us to see the beauty of the content" in the words of Salman Khan, who is confident that in the coming years we will be able to value not only knowledge, but also learners' capacity for communication, collaboration and empathy.

Education towards sustainability

While it may sound traditional, Salman Khan argues that it is knowledge of mathematics, reading comprehension and writing skills that allow progress in other areas. Encouraging learners to take on too many subjects at once does not allow them to go deeply enough into them. Subjects need to be dealt with in depth, devoting all the time necessary to them. We must be aware that we cannot do everything at once, otherwise everything will be done by halves.

The pandemic has made us rethink the way we live, work, educate and learn. Doing so on-line, something which has begun or speeded up with the pandemic, depending on the case, will be the trend in the coming years. This trend can also be more sustainable in many ways. In fact, it has reduced traffic and the pollution associated with it, as we saw during lockdown. It also enables us to manage our time better and enjoy more spare time, to live a more sustainable life.