Erronka Garbia
In the UIK, we've long been aiming to minimize possible negative impacts on the environment. Considering our objective, we work not only internally, but also externally, many sustainability courses are organized over the years and, in particular, given the importance of the subject, in 2020 we created the Donostia Sustainability Forum, together with the BBVA Foundation, the Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa, the Basque Government – IHOBE and the City of San Sebastián, to focus on climate change.
We wanted to join the Erronka Garbia challenge in advancing our commitment, intensifying sustainability measures for activities as a valid tool for environmental awareness and environmental impact assessment.
In 2022 we have adjusted our actions and conducted three tests. Considering the impact of the residence for the activities, we've selected three Summer Courses held at the headquarters.
The experience will allow us to improve year after year until the methodology is applied to all the activities of the Foundation and taking into account all the axes of the Erronka Garbia methodology.