Precision nutrition and nutriomics
This austral summer course focuses on developing topics in nutrition and health with emphasis on personalized (individualized) and precision (multifactorial) nutrition. Topics will include original presentations of nutrition-related scientific data on topics related to chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, cardiometabolic disorders and cancer. In addition, the course program will include a series of keynote presentations on personalized nutrition and nutriomics topics by international scientists and researchers emphasizing the applications of precision nutrition supported by genomic, epigenetic, transcriptomic, metagenomic and metabolomic methods and their bioinformatics integration for their application in the nutrition-health relationship.
- J. Alfredo Martínez, IMDEA Alimentación
- Lidia Daimiel, IMDEA Alimentación
- Alberto Dávalos, IMDEA Alimentación
- Moisés Laparra, IMDEA Alimentación
- Begoña de Cuevillas, IMDEA Alimentación
- M,. Puy Portillo, University of the Basque Country
- Sergio Polakof, University of Clermont-Auvergne
- Louis Pérusse, Laval University
- David M Mutch, University of Guelph
- Rosita Gabbianelli, Università degli Studi di Camerino
- Ana Laura de la Garza, Autonomous University of Nuevo León
- Karina dos Santos, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
- Fermín Milagro, University of Navarra, Spain
- Silvia Lorente, University of Navarra
Executive Secretary: Begoña de Cuevillas
This austral summer course aims to cover the following objectives:
- Introduction to the applications of omics methodologies (genomics, epigenetics, transcriptomics, metagenomics and metabolomics) for their application for healthy metabolism and precision nutrition.
- Presentation of precision nutrition and nutriomics research by young researchers, doctoral students and young postdocs.
- Development of current topics by prestigious nutritionists for their implementation in health maintenance as well as in the prevention and treatment of chronic metabolic diseases.
Activity directed to
- University student
In collaboration with
J. Alfredo Martínez
IMDEA Alimentación, Universidad de Valladolid y RINN22
Doctor in Nutrition, as well as a pharmacist and medical degree. He has been Professor of Nutrition at the University of Navarra and currently at the University of Valladolid. He is director of the Precision Nutrition Program at IMDEA Alimentación and has participated in several nutritional trials (12 projects) of reference in the EU, such as DIOGENES, SEAFOODplus, NUGENOB, FOOD4ME, STOP, PREVIEW and SWEET, and in national consortia such as PREDIMED and CIERobn, whose results and conceptual contributions have been published in the most relevant medical and scientific journals, such as NEJM, Lancet, Nature Endocrinology, BMJ, AJCN, Circulation, JAMA, Obesity Reviews, etc. , with more than 35,000 citations. He has supervised more than 90 doctoral theses and has published more than 950 articles in the areas of Obesity, Nutrition and Nutritional Epidemiology, including precision nutritional omics (Factor H > 115). He has been president of the International Union of Nutritional Sciences (IUNS) and has received several major awards, including the Hippocrates and Dupont awards.
Maria Puy Portillo Baquedano
Marta Alonso Bernáldez
Dietista-nutricionista y doctora en Nutrigenómica y Nutrición Personalizada. Cuenta con un máster en Biomoléculas y es experta universitaria en genética médica y genómica. Ha sido investigadora en el campo de la nutrición de precisión y ciencias ómicas, realizando tanto trabajo de laboratorio aplicando técnicas de biología molecular, como de consulta asistencial de nutrición. También ha trabajado en el diseño de algoritmos de personalización y evaluación de dietas, y en el desarrollo de nuevas formulaciones enfocadas en el síndrome metabólico. Ha participado en proyectos de investigación tanto nacionales (METAINFLAMACION, FACINGLCOVID) como internacionales (PRIMA, PREVENTOMICS). Actualmente lidera el desarrollo del software N-GENE (, una herramienta diseñada para integrar la genética en la consulta de los profesionales de la salud.
Nuria Amigó
Elisa María Barrón Cabrera
Elisa María Barrón Cabrera es Doctora en Ciencias en Biología Molecular en Medicina por la Universidad de Guadalajara, y licenciada en Nutrición por la Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa. Actualmente, es miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores Nivel 1 e Investigadora Honorífica del Sistema Sinaloense de Investigadores y Tecnólogos. La Dra. Barrón Cabrera se ha desempeñado en líneas de investigación en genómica nutricional y respuestas moleculares al ejercicio. Ha realizado estancias de investigación en la Universidad de Navarra, España y en la Universidad de Sao Paulo, Brasil. Ha dirigido tesis a nivel pregrado y posgrado, así como realizado publicaciones en revistas internacionales indexadas y participado en congresos nacionales e internacionales.
Ellen Blaak
Metehan Cifdaloz
Gonzalo Colmenarejo
Arnaud Courtois
Amanda Cuevas
Lidia Daimiel Ruiz
Alberto Davalos
IMDEA Food Institute
Begoña de Cuevillas García
IMDEA Alimentación
Ana Laura de la Garza Hernández
Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León.
Baukje De Roos
Alberto Diaz-Ruiz Ruiz
IMDEA Food, Tenure-Track Position
Karina Dos Santos
Universidad de Rio de Janeiro
Capel Frederic
Rosita Gabbianelli
Carmen Ivorra
Moisés Laparra
Eliane Lopes Rosado
Silvia Lorente Cebrián
Laura Judith Marcos Zambrano
IMDEA Alimentación
Pedro Miguel Mena Parreno
María Begoña Muguerza Marquínez
Louis Pérusse
Sergio Polakof
Human Nutrition Unit - INRAE
Oscar Omar Ramos López
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Profesor
Dr. Omar Ramos-Lopez is graduated in Nutrition, with a PhD in Molecular Biology in Medicine, and a postdoctoral in Precision Nutrition. At the national level, Dr. Ramos-Lopez is member of the National System of Researchers of Mexico (level 2), member of the Mexican Society of Nutrition and Endocrinology, member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences, and member of the Baja California Academy of Sciences. At the International level, Dr. Ramos-Lopez is member of the American Society for Nutrition, and member of Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society. Dr. Ramos-Lopez is currently a full-time research professor at the Autonomous University of Baja California. His scientific production consists of 81 scientific publications in indexed journals, 4 book chapters from highly prestigious publishers (Elsevier), and about 1400 citations, with an H-index of 22 (scopus). He has also served as guest editor of journals such as Nutrients, Frontiers in Endocrinology, Frontiers in Nutrition, Lifestyle Genomics, and Healthcare.
Ricardo Ramos Ruiz
Elizabeth Tejero
Alberto Valdés
Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias de la Alimentación (CIAL), Científico Titular
Dr. Alberto Valdés received his PhD in Biology and Food Sciences from UAM in 2016 (UAM Extraordinary Doctorate award). He was a Post-Doctoral researcher at Uppsala University (Sweden, 2016-2018), the University of Alcalá (Spain, 2018-2020), the NIH West Coast Metabolomics Center at UC Davis (USA, 2019-2020) and the Foodomics Laboratory at CIAL-CSIC (Spain, 2020-2024). Currently, he is a Tenured Scientist at CSIC and co-Director of the Metabolomics Platform at CIAL (UAM+CSIC). He has participated in 13 research projects in competitive calls, being PI of a “Programa Momentum CSIC” (InteligenCIAL) and leading the CSIC’s task of a EU-EIC-Pathfinder project (CORENET). He has been involved in 10 research contracts and different teaching tasks at Uppsala University, University of Alcalá and CIAL. His area of expertise combines the fields of Food Science and Technology, Biology, Analytical Chemistry and Bioinformatics/Chemometrics. His research focuses on the development, application and integration of omics technologies and bioinformatics tools to investigate complex biological systems, such as foods, food by-products and samples of human and animal origin. His work has resulted in 62 scientific articles and 12 book chapters.
Medical Doctor (University of Barcelona). PhD in Clinical Medicine Research (Universitat Rovira i Virgili). Full Research Professor in Health at the University of Guadalajara, Mexico. National System of Researcher level 3. Member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences. Multiple positions of institutional responsibility. Leader of the consolidated academic group UDG-454 since 2013. Thesis supervisors: 12-doctoral, 13-master, 38-graduate. Several international stays (Spain -URV, UAM, UMu, UVa-, Sweden, France -MNHN-, USA -MIT-). More than 100 scientific articles published (73-Scopus); editor/author of books. H-index=32. ORCID: 0000-0003-0680-0802
José Luis Santos Martín
Pontificia Universidad católica de Chile
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