BRTA insights on valorization of research outputs: how to identify, protect and exploit generated knowledge to improve its impact
The routes to identify, protect and exploit the knowledge generated in research spaces are complex and require the interaction and teamwork of many actors. With the aim of being a meeting point for the agents involved in the valorisation processes, BRTA intends to create an annual event within the Summer Courses. We propose a two-day meeting point to share skills, tools and knowledge to improve these processes. This course includes examples of the nearby ecosystem, external experts and the views of different actors. It will have two main lines, with a dedicated onde-day session for each of it:
- Management of industrial and intellectual property in research centers
- Creation of new technology-based companies as a significant route of asset valorization
Encourage the interaction among agents of the innovation ecosystem to promote better processes of valorization.
Make available to students skills and tools to improve the management of intellectual and industrial property.
Analyse the routes to promote the creation of new technology-based companies.
Activity directed to
- University student
- Teachers
- Professionals
- Researchers and technologists
Registro / Erregistroa
Institutional Opening session. Speaking order:
- Estibaliz Hernaez | Eusko Jaurlaritza - Viceconsejera de Tecnología, Innovación y Transformación Digital del Gobierno Vasco
“Decálogo de valorización BRTA: evolución de la masa crítica y estandarización de procesos“
- Garbiñe Manterola Agirrezabalaga | BRTA - Responsable de Transferencia del Conocimiento
“Agenda de investigación de BRTA: un marco para la cooperación“
- Jon Kepa Gerrikagoitia Arrien | BRTA - Responsable científico-tecnológico
“Marketing de la PI: desafíos y oportunidades en la comercialización de activos “
- Clara Pombo | Directora de Relaciones Institucionales
- Adriana Esteves | ClarkeModet - IP Consultancy Director
“Casos prácticos de valorización de activos: 1. Licencias de patentes en CIC nanoGUNE “
- Ainara Garcia Gallastegui | CIC nanoGUNE - Directora de Transferencia Tecnológica
“Casos prácticos de valorización de activos: 2. Modelo de licencia de la UPV/EHU y caso de éxito“
- Ricardo Merino Valdeolmillos | UPV/EHU - Técnico de Propiedad Industrial
“Casos prácticos de valorización de activos: 3. Licenciamiento de software“
- Francisco de Borja Garate Iraolagoitia | Metrología SARIKI - Director General
“Casos prácticos de valorización de activos: 4. Transferencia de propiedad intelectual - sello bienestar animal“
- Iker Bilbao | Neiker - Responsable de Mercado y Transferencia
“Herramientas informáticas de apoyo a los procesos de valoración: el modelo de valoración de proyectos MOGUVAL“
- Alfonso Rodríguez Sandías | Universidad de Santiago de Compostela - Profesor titular . Departamento de Economía Financiera y Contabilidad
Round table: “La transferencia en los centros generadores de resultados de investigación: principales claves “
- Garbiñe Manterola Agirrezabalaga | BRTA - Responsable de Transferencia del conocimiento (Moderator)
- Ainara Garcia Gallastegui | CIC nanoGUNE - Directora de Transferencia Tecnológica
- Ricardo Merino Valdeolmillos | UPV/EHU - Técnico de Propiedad Industrial
- Francisco de Borja Garate Iraolagoitia | SARIKI - Director General
Del laboratorio al mercado: claves del éxito para desarrollar spin-offs de impacto
- Asier Rufino | Tecnalia - CEO y co-fundador de Tecnalia Ventures
“Mature innovation ecosystem as a key factor for speeding-up new start-ups “
- Jean Charles Guibert | CEA - Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives
“Casos de éxito: 1. NEBT lanzada desde centro de investigación. BCARE“
- Soraya Romo Díez | BCARE - Directora General
“Casos de éxito: 2. NEBT lanzada desde centro tecnológico. H2SITE“
- Andrés Galnares Rodriguez | H2SITE - CEO
- Gorka Hermoso | H2SITE - Director financiero interino
“VTT: a learning story of an venture builder in the technological area“
- Lotta Partanen | VTT - Directora de Incubación y Aceleración, VTT LaunchPad
“Casos de éxisto: 3. NEBT lanzada desde un grupo de investigación universitario. POLIMERBIO“
- Pablo Fernández Echeverría | POLIMERBIO - CEO
“Estrategia de diversificación de mercados de la Corporación Mondragón“
- Joseba Sagastigordia Ugalde | Corporación Mondragón - Director del Centro de Promoción
Round table: “Creación de NEBT: La estimulante tarea de vehiculizar tecnología al mercado“
- Antonio González Prada | CEIT - Gerente (Moderator)
- Santiago Lozano | Clave Capital - Director Asociado de Fondos Ventures
- Maria Luisa Arriola Nieto | BIC Gipuzkoa - Directora gerente
- Asier Rufino | Tecnalia - Director de Ventures
- Joseba Sagastigordia Ugalde | Corporación Mondragón - Director del Centro de Promoción
- Ibon Iribarren Aristizabal | CEO LINQcase
Institutional Closing session
- Rikardo Bueno Zabalo | BRTA - Director general
- Leyre Madariaga Gangoiti | Eusko Jaurlaritza - Directora de Transformación Digital y Emprendimiento del Gobierno Vasco

Bachelor degree in Environmental Science (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelnona, 2002), Doctor of Applied Physics (Universidad de Navarra, 2009) and Master’s degree in Science and Innovaction Managemente (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, 2021). During her professional career she has been working in various research positions, both in academia and industrial companies. Her main expertise is focused on environmental technologies, especially advanced wastewater treatment and resource recovery. She is currently the Knowledge Transfer Manager of BRTA (Basque Research & Technology Alliance) and her activity is focused on reinforcing the conditions for transmitting the knowledge generated in the alliance centres to companies in order to contribute to their competitiveness. She is a member of the European Platform for Sustainable Finance.

Maria Luisa Arriola Nieto
Directora Gerente BIC Gipuzkoa
Degree in Geography and History from the University of Salamanca, Master in People Management from the UPV/EHU and PDG – IESE. He has developed his professional career in the field of professional services to companies, specializing in advanced productivity improvement services and process reengineering in companies such as MCC, CAF, Quirón Clinic, Salvesen Group, Talgo, Caser, ABB Niessen. Managing Director of the business development and entrepreneurship center BIC Gipuzkoa Berrilan since 1998, center of the ANCES network, supporting the launch of new technological and innovative companies. She is also a visiting professor in the Master's Degree in Psychology of Organizations and Psychosocial Intervention at the Public University of the Basque Country and the MBA-EMBA at the University of Deusto-Bilbao, and has given numerous talks on entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship strategy in educational centers, institutions and organizations both nationally and internationally. Chosen as "best director of Gipuzkoa 2021" by the Association of Guipuzcoan Businesswomen, Professionals and Directors (ASPEGI), she is also President of the Association Against Cancer in Gipuzkoa.

Iker Bilbao

Rikardo Bueno Zabalo
BRTA - Basque research and Technology Alliance
Rikardo Bueno is currently the CEO of the Basque Research & Technology Alliance (BRTA) and member of the Supervisory Board of EIT Manufacturing. Previously, he has developed his professional carreer in the Research and Technology sector, holding several executive positions in TECNALIA, as Director of International Business Development, Director of Advanced Manufacturing Area and Programmes Director. He has been member of the EFFRA board until 2019 and holds a PhD in Industrial Engineering.
Adriana Esteves
Experiencia profesional de más 15 años en el área de la Propiedad Intelectual. Especializado en la gestión de la PI, la transferencia de tecnología y la valoración económica de activos intangibles. Agente Oficial de la Propiedad Industrial (AOPI) inscrito en el Instituto Nacional de la Propiedad Industrial y Agente Oficial de Marcas y Diseños de la Unión Europea. Actualmente, es responsable por la planificación y ejecución de proyectos de creación, protección, gestión y monetización de la PI de los procesos de innovación. Licenciada en Ingeniería Química, con especialización en Biotecnología, por el Instituto Superior Técnico de la Universidad de Lisboa, donde fue investigadora en el área de Multivariate Statistical Analysis para el control de biosistemas. Máster en Economía por la Escuela de Negocios ISCTE del Instituto Universitario de Lisboa, con una tesis en "Economic Evaluation of Intangible Assets".

Pablo Fernández Echeverría

Andrés Galnares Rodriguez

Francisco de Borja Garate Iraolagoitia
Actualmente y desde septiembre de 2018, Ainara es Responsable de Transferencia de Tecnología en CIC nanoGUNE (Donostia-San Sebastián). Desde su incorporación, se ha diseñado e implantado un Plan de Transferencia de Tecnología que ha posibilitado duplicar la cartera de clientes privados del Centro y multiplicar por diez la facturación por licencia de patentes, habiendo cerrado 10 nuevos contratos de licencia en el periodo. Se ha consolidado a su vez una facturación en las Spin Offs existentes. Ainara es también Presidenta del Comité de Igualdad. Desarrollo su carrera investigadora entre el Imperial College London (post doc), la Universidad de Trieste (Italia) y Tecnalia/UPV-EHU (PhD). Previo a su incorporación a CIC nanoGUNE, Ainara lideró en Bio Nano Consulting (Londres) proyectos de investigación privados multimillonarios que se desarrollaban en University College London (UCL) e Imperial College, y proyectos estratégicos institucionales que posibilitaban la transferencia de tecnología Europa/Latino-América. Ainara es Doctora en Químicas por la UPV/EHU, Máster en Gestión por la Universidad de Deusto y tiene 5 patentes industriales concedidas en su haber.

Jon Kepa Gerrikagoitia Arrien
Ph.D. in Computer Science. Science and Technology Manager at BRTA (Basque Research and Technology Alliance). His professional career of more than 20 years has been developed jointly in the academia and manufacturing industry fields, tightly linked to Computer and Data Science within the framework of Business Intelligence based in Internet, combining the scientific and technology vision.

Antonio González Prada

Jean Charles Guibert

Gorka Hermoso

Ibon Iribarren Aristizabal
Ibon Iribarren is the Managing Director of LINQ, a start-up company born in 2018 with the aim of contributing to zero defects in different manufacturing industries. Previously, he developed his professional career in the industrial sector, holding different managerial positions in ETXE-TAR, as Deputy Managing Director, Director of Customer Service and Sales Director for North America & UK or Purchasing Director. He holds a Master Degree in Business Administration and a degree in Industrial Engineering.

Santiago Lozano
Director de Fondos Tech Transfer de Clave Mayor
Graduate in Business Administration by Universidad de Navarra and Master in Finance by ESIC Business School. Accumulated Management Experience, first at Industry, later Financial Markets and more than 13 years in Venture Capital (startups and Tech Transfer Porjects). Member of Board of Directors in around 20 companies invested by Clave Mayor, most of them in early stages in different sectors as health sciences, Digital Business, Agrofood, Industry, Biotech. Participating in investment processes in more than 30 deals and 5 disinvestments. Experience as Investor in first stages, some of them related to Tech Transfer. Broad experience in analyzing and investing in startups and early stage companies and supporting value creation process in these companies in Strategic planning, financial supporting and negotiation processes. Currently focus in Tech Transfer Investments and Applied Technologies companies through Tech Transfer Funds mainly linked to Universities and Tech Centers.

Leyre Madariaga Gangoiti
Licenciada en Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales por la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales - Deusto Business School, y Máster en Estudios Europeos en la Universidad Católica de Lovaina (Bélgica). Gran parte de su experiencia profesional se ha dirigido hacia las Relaciones Internacionales y el Comercio Exterior. A lo largo de su carrera, tanto en la empresa privada como en el sector público, ha participado como Profesora en Cursos sobre Internacionalización y Relaciones Exteriores, tales como “Instrumentos de Financiación para la Cooperación al Desarrollo” organizados por la CECO y el ICEX, así como ponente en numerosos Seminarios y Conferencias con contenidos internacionales, organizados por las Cámaras de Comercio, Gobiernos Regionales, Universidades…. Comenzó su carrera profesional trabajando durante nueve años para IDOM, una empresa vasca de ingeniería y consultoría, como Responsable de Proyectos Multilaterales.

Ricardo Merino Valdeolmillos
Nací en 1971 en Bilbao. Doble licenciado en Bioquímica y Biólogía, por la UPV/EHU y la Universidad de Texas. Llevo 16 años gestionando la Transferencia de Tecnología y Conocimiento, la Propiedad Intelectual/Industrial en la Universidad del País Vasco, con un total aproximado de 1.200 patentes. En 2020 fui la única persona a nivel estatal en conseguir el reconocimiento RTTP (Profesional de Transferencia de Tecnología y Conocimiento) y el décimo en la historia a nivel estatal. Llevo más de 40 años vinculado al deporte, especialmente al ambito de las artes marciales y a los deportes de potencia. Creo firmemente que la actividad física es una de las bases de la salud. Desde 2010 colaboro en formación en emprendizaje resaltando la importancia de la salud en el proceso. Esta vinculación con la nutrición y la salud me han llevado entre otros hitos a ser co-inventor de una patente Europea en el área del microbioma humano, en colaboración con la UPV/EHU, la Universidad de Cantabria y la Spin-off universitaria KDNA Genomics.

Lotta Partanen
Lotta Partanen is an innovation designer with +15 years of experience in business renewal in international corporations. Her professional principles are grand vision, small steps towards that vision and evidence gathering on the assumptions, combined with humility to constantly learn more and adapt. In 2019 she joined VTT Research to set up and lead the science-based spin-off incubator VTT LaunchPad. Philips Design introduced Lotta to strategic, insights and foresight driven innovation design for the purpose of new venture and future opportunity creation. At Nokia, Lotta lead business design projects for high-end devices, and created competitive intelligence analysis and future scenarios in Nokia Corporate Strategy. Her internal clients ranged from the Board of Directors to individual product concept definition teams. At the Nordic utility Fortum, she participated in various strategy projects, lead the creation of a long term consumer vision, and supported the Innovation Accelerator projects with customer-centered practices. Lotta has two masters degrees in design from University of Art and Design Helsinki (today part of Aalto University) and a professional certificate in Strategic Foresight from the University of Houston.

Clara Pombo

Alfonso Rodríguez Sandías
Doctor en Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales Profesor Titular de Economía Financiera y Contabilidad Tiene registradas las marcas Modeleva y APV, de sus modelos de valoración de proyectos y Empresas, disponibles en http://www.usc.es/gl/investigacion/proxectos/modeleva/ Autor de diferentes informes de valoración de empresas y proyectos Autor de diferentes libros sobre planificación y valoración, entre otros: · Rodríguez Sandiás, A. (2021): Análisis, Planificación y Valoración, Ed. Andavira, ISBN: 978-84-124269-0-8 · Rodríguez Sandiás, A. (2015): Modelos de Planificación y Valoración de Empresas, Ed. Andavira, ISBN: 978-84-8408-813-4 · Rodríguez Sandiás, A. (2014): Estrategias de Gestión Financiera Aplicada, 2ª edición, Ed. Andavira, ISBN: 978-84-8408-744-1 · Rodríguez Sandiás, A. (2013): Modelos de Análisis y Valoración de Proyectos de Inversión, Ed. Andavira, ISBN: 978-84-8408-723-6

Soraya Romo Díez
Academic Background: • Master in Industrial Engineering by the University of the Basque Country. • MBA GECEM, “Master’s degree in Business Competitiveness Management”, by the University of the Basque Country. • Advanced Management Program (AMP), by IE Business School Career • 01/07/2020 - present: BATTERY CARE S.L. (BCARE) General Manager • 10/01/2011 – 30/06/2020: VINCI ENERGIES SPAIN Manager of different business units of Vinci Energies Spain, dedicated to the development of Engineering and Project Management of High Voltage Electrical Installations, Maintenance, Assembly and Commisioning of Substations and MV and LV networks, and Manufacture of LV Electrical Boards. • 03/09/2007– 09/01/2011: GRUPO LEKUNBIDE Engineering, Innovation and Communication Manager • 29/11/2004 – 31/08/2007: GRUPO ORMAZABAL • Responsible of the Low Voltage product in the Technical Department in Ormazabal Transformer Stations. • 03/07/2000 – 26/11/2004: IBERDROLA ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION Project Manager for Design, Erection and Commissioning of Transformer Substations. • January 2006 and January 2007: University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU Speaker in the Master “Electrical power system. Quality and security of Electrical Energy Supply

Asier Rufino

Joseba Sagastigordia Ugalde
JS coordinates the Corporate Plaftorm, MONDRAGON Business Development Center. Its main roles are linked to the identification and impulse of New Business Activities from the capacities of the cooperatives, the structuring of business investments with other external corporates or partners and finally the identification and shareholding of startups and scaleups. JS also participates as board member in various entrepreneurship platforms (Saiolan Bic Gipuzkoa Arrasate, Garaia Parke Teknologikoa and Gaztenpresa) and gives support as an advisor on startups boards. JS has developed his entire professional career in areas of business development and focused mainly on the development of international markets in different companies. JS has a degree in Business Studies from the University of the Basque Country and has developed an International Executive MBA from the IE Business School. He also has several Masters in Foreign Trade and Marketing from the University of the Basque Country and in recent years he has completed his training with Executive Programs in the areas of Investments of Business Angels (IESE BS), Corporate Venture Capital (La Salle BCN) and Programs of Corporate Open Innovation (TU DELFT).
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Pº de Miraconcha nº 48. Donostia / San Sebastián
Miramar Palace
Pº de Miraconcha nº 48. Donostia / San Sebastián
Sustainable development goals
Agenda 2030 is the new international development agenda approved in September 2015 by the United Nations. This agenda aims to be an instrument to favour sustainable human development all over the planet, and its main pillars are the eradication of poverty, a reduction in equality and vulnerability and fostering sustainability. It is a unique opportunity to transform the world up to 2030 and guarantee human rights for all.

8 - Decent work and economic growth
Foster sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for everyone. Key issues: decent work, full and productive employment, entrepreneurship, fostering micro-companies and SMEs, employment rights, safe working environments, youth employment, equal opportunities and pay, strengthening of financial institutions, and breaking the link between economic growth and the degradation of the environment.
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9 - Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Build resilient infrastructures, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and foster innovation. Key issues: reliable, sustainable, resilient and quality infrastructures, inclusive and sustainable industrialisation, modernisation, clean and environmentally rational industrial technologies and processes, scientific research and improvement of technological capabilities, universal access to ICTs.
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