Economy and Business
Free registration
Summer Course
Respuestas de la Cooperativa a los retos de la sociedad actual

Respuestas de la Cooperativa a los retos de la sociedad actual

06.Sep - 06. Sep, 2024 Cod. E13-24

Ante las transformaciones que en estos momentos se están llevando a cabo podremos analizar y visibilizar la posición positiva en la que se encuentran las cooperativas vascas


Cómo el modelo cooperativo afronta los grandes desafíos de la humanidad.


Conocer los desafíos que el modelo cooperativo afronta ante los grandes desafíos de la humanidad

Activity directed to

  • All public
  • University student
  • Professionals

Organised by

  • Consejo Superior de Cooperativas de Euskadi


Belen Balerdi Ozaeta

Consejo Superior de Cooperativas de Euskadi, General Secretary

Long journey in the management of service companies. Highlight in terms of HR, the ability to unite the staff of two previous organizations in a single team. In the direct relation with the directions of different Administrations; Ministry, Basque Government and Provincial Councils, participating in the development of their regulations. In continuous training in all areas of the company: focused on not losing contact with the reality of the moment, both through different short-term courses and annual professional trips within the European environment. Today disseminating and promoting a business model where its principles and values ​​are the basis for building a better world.


Patxi Olabarria Furundarena

Currently a member of the Management of the "European Euskal Herriko Ikastolak cooperative", which brings together 113 teaching cooperatives and where he is responsible for personnel management and Labor Relations of the group. Graduated in Teaching, Mr. Olabarria has spent more than 20 years related to the educational world in his cooperative Urretxu-Zumarraga Ikastola, where he has taught, managed tasks and as Economic Manager of the same. During 2006-2009 he was Director of Centers, in the Department of Education of the Basque Government. Since 2011, he has combined his work at EHI e.k., with that of Coordinator of the 89 cooperatives of the KONFEKOOP Education Sector Group, Confederation of Cooperatives of Euskadi, an organization that brings together 1,400 cooperatives, and of which he is also its vice-president. He is also a member of several Governing Councils, Administration Councils or Plenary Sessions of different private and public entities. Since 2019 he has been President of the SUPERIOR COUNCIL OF COOPERATIVES of Euskadi, a public entity made up of representatives of the Basque Government, the three Basque Universities, the three Provincial Councils and the Basque Cooperative Movement.

Ibon Zugasti Gorostidi

Socio Director de PROSPEKTIKER– Instituto Europeo de Prospectiva y Estrategia. Presidente del Nodo español del PROYECTO MILLENNIUM. Sub-Director Ejecutivo de la Red Iberoamericana de Prospectiva – RIBER. Licenciado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas. Máster en Dirección Estratégica (Univ. de Deusto / Marquette University). Desde 1999 ha dirigido numerosos proyectos sobre planificación estratégica y prospectiva y ha sido responsable del Sistema Vigía Estratégico de Iberdrola. Ha participado en la elaboración de diversos estudios sectoriales y planes estratégicos empresariales (REPSOL, ULMA, EROSKI, MONDRAGÓN CORPORACIÓN, IBERDROLA, GUGGENHEIM, FERIA DE VALENCIA), así como en proyectos prospectivo-estratégicos en el ámbito del sector público (Gipuzkoa 2020, San Sebastián 2020, Envejecimiento de la población vasca 2020, etc.). Ha sido asesor para la Unidad de Prospectiva del Comité de las Regiones de la UE, la Comisión Europea, el Banco Mundial y diversos Gobiernos internacionales.

Registration fees

Face-to-faceUntil 06-09-2024


Miramar Palace

Pº de Miraconcha nº 48. Donostia / San Sebastián



Miramar Palace

Pº de Miraconcha nº 48. Donostia / San Sebastián
